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发布时间:2024-10-26 11:50:03点击量:870
本文摘要:A two-inch-long, worm-like sea creature is the earliest-known animal to have the beginnings of a backbone.找到人类亲缘最古老的祖先——一种2英寸宽类似于蠕虫,挤满在海床上的生物。

A two-inch-long, worm-like sea creature is the earliest-known animal to have the beginnings of a backbone.找到人类亲缘最古老的祖先——一种2英寸宽类似于蠕虫,挤满在海床上的生物。剑桥大学的科学家证实,一种2英长类似于蠕虫的海洋生物是目前未知的最先的脊椎动物。Cambridge University scientists have confirmed. This makes Pikaiagracilens, which evolved more than 500 million years ago, a precursor of modern vertebrates, including humans. The latest study resolves a debate about whether it is the first member of the chordate family. Humanbeings, as well as fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals are all descended from this two-inch creature —Pikaiagracilens which lived in the sea 505 million years ago.这使得5亿多年前就演化已完成的一种生物——Pikaiagracilens(皮卡虫),沦为了现代脊椎动物的祖先,甚至还包括人类。这项近期的研究落幕了一场关于它是否是脊椎动物家族中第一个成员的争辩。




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